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Real Estate Marketing Made Easy.

Send customized direct mail marketing to property owners with automated follow-up.

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Why should I send mail?

Direct mail can be a powerful tool for real estate marketing as it offers a tangible, targeted and less competitive medium for reaching potential leads.

With higher response rates than many other marketing channels, direct mail can help build trust, generate leads, and ultimately close deals in the competitive real estate industry.

Send it and forget it.

Our automated follow-up system ensures that no potential deal slips through the cracks, so you can send your mail and relax.

Beautiful designs. Endless possibilities.

Choose from one of our free mail templates or create your own with our custom mail designer. It's easy to bring your marketing vision to life and create anything you can imagine.

“I remember very clearly though, the first time I got a phone call from a postcard. Because my phone was ringing, I answered it, and he's like, "Yeah I got a postcard in the mail.” And I'm like, "Oh my gosh, it's one of these guys" that was the first deal from DealMachine, from driving for dollars.

And it's all a numbers game. If you're seeing success when you send 200 postcards out, send 400. Send 600. Send 1,000.

It gets to the point where you can't keep up with every call that's coming in.

Ryan Haywood

Stand out from the crowd with a photo of the property.

Including a photo of the owner's property in your direct mail marketing can significantly boost your response rate. With DealMachine, adding the image is easy and automatic, so you can make a lasting impression on potential leads.

Handwritten letters that convert.

We've partnered with Ballpoint Marketing to send handwritten letters using their army of robots. These letters are written with a real pen and sent to the property owner on your behalf, so you can enjoy the benefits of personalized, handwritten outreach without lifting a finger.

Invest with confidence using the highest-rated real estate investing app.