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On-The-Go Real Estate Comps.

Quickly and easily access property comparables, analyze market trends, and make more informed investment decisions wherever you are. Give it a try with our free real estate comps tool.


Identify hot leads with list stacking.

Quickly identify qualified leads by analyzing multiple lists, allowing you to prioritize your outreach efforts.

“Look, obviously DealMachine has a ton of uses, right?

Driving for dollars, hands down, pound-for-pound, is the absolute best way to find real estate investment leads.

There's no better way than to see the property in the moment, know that it's distressed, and get mailers out, get a door hanger out, get everything out as fast as possible.

It's the most direct method.”

Matt Porcaro

Take control of your real estate business.

Our intuitive interface allows you to easily organize and analyze your leads, manage lists, and streamline your real estate marketing.

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We update our data daily and source it directly from county records. With the most up-to-date and reliable information at your fingertips, you can trust that you're making informed decisions and maximizing your investments.

Invest with confidence using the highest-rated real estate investing app.