From Car Salesman to $20K on First Wholesale Deal

From Car Salesman to $20K on First Wholesale Deal

3 min max read

Are you looking to find financial freedom or quit your 9 to 5 job? Well, wholesaling and real estate investing might be just what you need to accomplish that. Today we are going to dive into how one individual went from a car salesman to making $20k on his first wholesale deal.

The start wasn't easy, but it was truly worth it for Saint Henandez. After research, mentorship, and gaining more skills from his job he was finally able to break through into the real estate investing space. Without further ado, let's take a look at Saint's journey.

An Early Start to Real Estate Investing

Saint Hernandez was inspired at 20 years old by YouTube videos on real estate wholesaling, intrigued by the idea of getting started without needing cash or good credit. He researched wholesale real estate with a friend, even driving around neighborhoods looking for distressed properties. But despite this promising start, their inexperience and fear of making rookie mistakes caused them to give up before ever speaking to a seller.

Fast forward a year, Saint landed an interview for a car salesman position, ambitious to beat the dealership's monthly sales record. With no prior sales experience beyond retail, he leaned on self-confidence and charisma, going from 0 sales his first month to a record-breaking 29 cars sold within months. This victory flipped a switch in Saint, giving him the people skills he felt wholesaling demanded.

Saint Jumps Back Into Wholesaling

After jumping back in, Saint discovered a niche opportunity in wholesaling vacant land through a mentor named Josh. Josh guided him on marketing to buyers, negotiating with sellers, and calculating offers. He was also juggling Uber and Doordash to help pay the bills and hitting the phones at night to try and make his first deal.

Despite the rough patches (Saint is talking door-to-door delivery gig rough), he borrowed some cash from his dad to keep the lights on. A couple of months in, with zero repayments made, his dad scheduled one of those dreaded "we need to talk" dinners. Sitting across from him, Saint had to sell him on the belief that he was about to turn a corner. And would you believe it, he had two deals primed to close—he just hadn't shared the good news yet.

One morning Saint woke up $20K richer when two wholesale deals he had been nurturing finally closed. Beyond the financial relief, this long-awaited success validated his self-belief and refusal to ever quit would pay off eventually.

While his buddy Josh later focused just on land, Saint has continued wholesaling both land and houses. Already in 2023 he has closed 5 deals and is focused on systemizing his business through hiring and an online presence.

Key Takeaways from Saint's Journey

  • Self-confidence and resilience were instrumental mindsets
  • Wholesaling land can provide an accessible starting point
  • Marketing to cash buyers first simplifies the buying process
  • Persisting through financial struggles paid off massively

While social media can portray overnight success in real estate, Saint's story shows that with belief in yourself and overcoming obstacles - your big payday awaits.

Samantha Ankney

About Samantha Ankney

Samantha is the Social Media Manager at DealMachine, where she oversees all social media strategies and content creation. With 3 years of experience at the company, she originally joined as a Media Specialist, leveraging her skills to enhance DealMachine's digital presence. Passionate about connecting with the community and driving engagement, Samantha is dedicated to sharing valuable insights and updates across all platforms.