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Tips For Bulk Editing Leads in Your CRM with Customer Success Coordinator, Joy Pispis

Tips For Bulk Editing Leads in Your CRM with Customer Success Coordinator, Joy Pispis

2 min max read

You work hard in your real estate investor software to build your list of leads so that you can close deals. But what about the tasks in-between adding a property to your list and closing a deal?

Joy Pispis, Customer Success Coordinator at DealMachine shares her tips to bulk edit leads in your CRM so that you can make the most of the real estate lead management list you've built.

3 Tips to Bulk Edit Leads In Your CRM

When bulk editing leads, first create one list with all your leads. If you have leads from other platforms, bulk upload them in to DealMachine's driving for dollars app so that you get rid of any duplicates. Before proceeding with any bulk edit actions and name the list so that you know what that list is for. Clearly naming the list will make it easier for you to go back to this list in the future should you need to do further actions for that specific group of leads.

If you're using the same filters for your leads every time, you can save time by creating presets. By creating your presets, you can bulk edit your list of leads to more easily send real estate mailers that work for the properties that you want to buy.

Speaking of starting mail, when beginning mailers in bulk for leads that have already received a specific number of mailers before (and repeat mail is off), make sure to filter by number of mailers sent before editing the repeat mail for them. You can also specify automated marketing in DealMachine Workflows, mitigating the amount of manual work. This will ensure the system will process 1 or more mailers for those leads and and they won't get stuck in the sending queue.

If You Want More Information On How To Bulk Edit your Leads...

Elise has created an entire playlist about how to use the free CRM real estate app to the fullest. Check it out here and leave a comment to let us know what you think.

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Once you identify distressed properties that are ripe for deals, use the DealMachine real estate management software to stay organized, follow up, and send mailers. For your best chances of success right off the bat, follow our “Distressed Formula” by finding 300 properties and sending three postcards apiece. Try it out with a free 7-day trial of DealMachine.

Joy Pispis

About Joy Pispis

Customer Success Coordinator