Unlock Real Estate Success with Transactional Funding

Unlock Real Estate Success with Transactional Funding

3 min max read

In the dynamic world of real estate investing, one of the most important elements that can make or break a deal is the availability of funding. When it comes to financing real estate deals, options are plentiful. From traditional financial institutions to unconventional money lenders, real estate professionals are not short on choices.

Yet one type of funding, transactional funding, has been consistently gaining the attention of savvy real estate investors. Could it be a solution to air-tight deals and minimized risks? Let's dive in and find out.

What is Transactional Funding?

Transactional funding, a lesser-known but powerful financial concept, serves as a veritable game-changer for those in the know. A type of short-term loan, transactional funding is provided by a money lender to cover the costs of a property purchase for wholesale real estate transactions that will be immediately sold or assigned.

The transactions generally involve three parties: the original seller (A), the intermediary or wholesaler (B), and lastly, the end buyer (C).

In a typical property resale scenario, B buys the property from A and then resells it to C. Transactional funding comes into play to facilitate the initial purchase from A to B when B does not have the necessary capital. If done right, this type of real estate financing can offer investors a promising strategy with attractive returns and minimal risk since the money is in play for such a short period.

Advantages of Transactional Funding

Transactional funding boasts numerous potential advantages for real estate investors. The first, and perhaps most significant advantage, is the quick, painless funding. Unlike traditional financial institutions, transactional funding doesn't require rigorous financial checks. The deal's success hinges mainly on the end buyer's ability to buy, not the wholesaler's creditworthiness.

The second advantage entails removing personal financial risk. A real estate deal collapsing could otherwise leave the investor bearing large, unnecessary costs. Transactional funding for real estate significantly reduces this risk since loans are returned as soon as the final sale is completed. Just remember that, if your end cash buyer falls through, you'll want to quickly find a replacement for the buyer, so fees don't stack up against you for your transactional funds.

Cons of Transactional Funding

While transactional funding has myriad benefits, it's not without potential drawbacks. The primary disadvantage is the cost. It can be high, as lenders often charge steep fees knowing the money will be returned shortly. Investors must ensure the profit margin can absorb these costs.

How Transactional Funding Works

A variety of real-world examples illuminate the role of transactional funding in successfully executing real estate deals. Let's consider a middleman who locates a residential property below market value, under contract for $200,000. With a ready and willing end buyer who agreed to a price of $240,000, there's a clear profit to be made. If the middleman lacks the $200,000 up-front capital, transactional funding can bridge the divide, allowing them to buy and resell the property in quick succession.

Why Use Transactional Funding?

Keen to get started with transactional funding? For real estate professionals eager to capitalize on the potential advantages, here's a hint—prepare, prepare, then prepare some more.

Vet your end buyers thoroughly to ensure they've got the funds ready, find trustworthy money lenders offering transactional funding, and then set your closing costs and dates. Finally, always have backup funding methods in place. In real estate investing, it's wise not to put all your hopes in one financial basket, always consider alternatives to transactional funding.


For the right real estate professional, under the right circumstances, transactional funding can prove a vastly efficient real estate funding method. Yes, it has its potential drawbacks, but if mastered, the opportunities for profits and growth are plentiful.

As with all elements of real estate investing, knowledge, preparation, and due diligence are the keys to unlocking success. Whether you're a real estate wholesaler or mainstream investor, understanding transactional funding can open new avenues of real estate potential.

Now that you understand transactional funding's role in real estate investing, isn't it time you considered empowering your real estate deals with this financial tool?

Samantha Ankney

About Samantha Ankney

Samantha is the Social Media Manager at DealMachine, where she oversees all social media strategies and content creation. With 3 years of experience at the company, she originally joined as a Media Specialist, leveraging her skills to enhance DealMachine's digital presence. Passionate about connecting with the community and driving engagement, Samantha is dedicated to sharing valuable insights and updates across all platforms.